Wooden Tic Tac Toe Box - directcreate.com

Wooden Tic Tac Toe Box

1,367 (Incl. of all taxes)

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Beautifully Handcrafted version of the timeless and popular game Noughts & Crosses (Tic-Tac-Toe). This classic Tic-Tac-Toe board game is made of sustainable wood with brass topping has a distinctive, nostalgic style. It helps encourage problem-solving skills and abstract symbolic reasoning and it is fun! It is easy to be carried anywhere and will be a good entertainer to keep the whole family occupied for hours


  • Wood carving


  • Brass,Wood


  • Handcrafted

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Direct Create
Direct Create is India's only bespoke, online creative community platform that is bringing makers, designers, and customers together to co-create customized, premium handcrafted objects

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