Orange Cotton Curtain imprinted with Tree of Life -

Orange Cotton Curtain imprinted with Tree of Life

3,049 (Incl. of all taxes)

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Curtains lend a playful punch to your room with the beautiful interplay of lights. They help control the light, lend privacy and warmth, affirm your style, and add texture and color. This curtain is backed beautifully with cotton organdy fabric, and the design imprinted here represents " Tree of Life".   This light breezy curtain is a perfect match for all kinds of decor. 

Material- Cambric Cotton backed with organdy

Art/Craft/Technique- Reverse Applique Patch Work

Dimension Unit (LxWxH)

  • 60.00x40.00x0.00 Inch

About the seller

Ruma Devi
Gramin vikas evam chetna sansthan
The core area of focus has been livelihood generation for the women of the region. GVCS has promoted handicrafts as a viable means of creating home-based employment that provides them with a steady source of income from the security of their home environment

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