Craft Silver Coated Art Brass Ware
Silver Coated Art Brass Ware
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Silver Coated Art Brass Ware


In the state of Rajasthan, Jaipur is where the main cluster for silver-coated art brass ware exists. Brass, known for its brilliant gloss, is first sandcast, and the different dimensions of production are taken care of by specific craftsmen in the region. The dhaliyas or metal caste mould the pieces, while the sheet metal labourers and etchers have their very own workshops.

“The whole process of production alongside ornamentation normally takes four to six weeks. Kalamkari, which is Urdu for engraving and pen work, is carried out with controlled strokes of the thapi or a hammer on fine pointed chisel,” explains Harendra Kumawat, an expert silver coated art brassware maker.

The skilled craftsmen chisels from memory except if a different design is requested from them. The engraving, which is shallow is called naqqashi or sada kalam, and deep engraving, is called khudai or sia kalam. In khudai, the designs are marori or intricate, and the chased depressions are filled in with coloured lac. The lac sticks are warmed and joint to the metal. The designs sparkle in brilliant tracery against the translucent gem-hued lac. Naqqashi is now and again done on a tinned surface. Traditional styles are for the most part floral Arabesques. Ornamentation, however, is restricted to decorative and dowry items since domestic utensils are scoured with mud or ash after use.


Brass and Silver


Silver Work


Silver Coated Art Brass Ware
Silver Coated Art Brass Ware
Silver Coated Art Brass Ware
Silver Coated Art Brass Ware
Silver Coated Art Brass Ware
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